It hit me today.
We are a blessed people. Can I get an amen?
We live in a time and period of abundance. I am the first to admit it, I have a plethora of things that I do not need. Then I look at my textbooks and watch the news and realize, I need to give back. I am sure a bunch of you are thinking you are in the same boat.
So here is my challenge, I stumbled across it somewhere on google today and can't seem to find the origin of the amazing idea! But the here is the gist -
On December 12 (NEXT WEDNESDAY) do 12 random acts of kindness.
Well... it doesn't have to be twelve... but that is a number to aim for!
Even one act of kindness can mean the world to someone!
- Take pictures,
- Take Videos
- Write a Haiku
- Draw a Picture
- Sing a song
of the acts in action!
I would love to see the impact that it has and how many people we can reach!!!
I have already asked 2 friends to do this with me and come along with me for this fun time!
Here is a list of a few things we might do, the possibilities are ENDLESS!
-Put Quarters at a vending machine for a few free drinks!
- Pay for someone's meal
- Bake for Neighbors
- Leave a gift in your mailbox for the mailman!
- Make a baked good for the fire station & thank you note
- Give someone flowers for no reason
- Donate some clothes
- Write encouraging notes to people you admire
- Pay for someone's car wash
- Leave an overly generous tip at a meal
- Give an exceptional review to an employee at a store
- Send friends encouraging texts
McDonald's- Give Blood
- Leave money at for people in line & see how long it goes
- Surprise a friend with Starbucks
- Complement Someone's outfit/appearance
- Pay for someone's groceries
- Pick up things that have fallen off a shelf at a store
Seriously.. the list could drag on forever.
I can't wait to share our success/hear about yours!