So tonight while mom was preparing dinner I started a project. I decided to make a trash bag for my car, I got the idea from the book One Yard Wonders.... sounds kinda lame but it will get used a lot and was simple to make!
What I needed for this project was:
1 yard of any fabric
1/8 yard of a fabric used for bias tape
1 parachute hook
Matching Thread
First thing we had to do was cut out the pieces:
Next I made the straps that it was going to hang from in the car:
After that I made the Bias tape for the raw edges and sewed it on (I really like the colors of these fabrics!)
After that I sewed all the pieces to each other so that the pocket and everything would be where it was supposed to be, but not closing off the ends so I could easily connect the straps-
After that I added the straps and WAHLA! (umm not sure if that is how you spell it haha) it was done! It was so easy and it turned out so cute!-
After that I was feeling CRAZY and decided to try making a button hole... hahah random right? well it turned out well and now I know I can do them! and it was SUPER easy!
Any ways! I am going to try to do another one tomorrow for funsies.. but we will see how that goes!
I will try to update again before the weekend ends!
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