I know, I know, My lack of blogging this summer is sad! I haven't been that busy, so I felt my post would be super lame. But now I can recap on the few things I have been doing.
First: Friends!
I have been hanigng out with some new sweet friends and some old friends that I usually don't get to hang out with a lot during the school year.
This picture is of me and my very super sweet friend Katie Beth, we went to the musical spamalot which was so fun!!!!
Sarah Beardsley! Oh my goodness, this is one friendship that I could see lasting forever! She is absolutely one of the sweetest friends that I have, she is an encourager and always makes everyone feel welcome! I do love her so!
This right here is a friend that I have been friends with for 16 years. This is also the epitome of a self timer pic... I hope you enjoy it :) I love you Hannah!!!
Second: CIY (Christ in Youth)
I got to be a sponsor this year at a camp that changed my life as a high schooler! It was super fun and I wouldn't trade this experience for anything
This is a my group of Juniors that I was the leader of! They were so precious and I am so glad that I got to spend lots of time getting to know them!
Third: Compass Center
I could not be more excited about this great tool for our youth group to start utilizing. The Compass center is a 33,000 square foot space that has room for our whole youth group and then some! There are lots of classrooms and our counseling and missions center is over there as well! I can't wait to see the lives that are going to be transformed here!
Finally: Crafts :)
Did you honestly think I could go a blog not talking about my recent endeavors?
Next: vases and boxes with Hannah!
The vases are again EASILY 3 minutes to make all you need is: modgepodge, glass vases and scrapbook paper. All you do is cut the scrapbook paper to fit the vase, put modgepodge on the back and stick it on!!! (like I said... wayyyyyy to easy) and only about 5 dollars a vase (without coupons!!!)
Boxes: Hannah (my friend from earlier in the post) had bought shadow boxes last year that were bright green and navy, this year her room is going to be brown and yellow! So we bought brown paint and a stencil (for 97c! What a steal!) and yellow spray paint. We painted the boxes brown first, let them dry and then went at the stencil with the spray paint. To say that we probably had too much fun doing it is and understatement!
(P.s- When I was typing this it was all underlined.... and I have NO idea why hahaha)

Place-mats: not as easy.
Don't get me wrong... this project wasn't difficult, but it was not as easy as others I have shown you on this blog! Just a LOT of quilting and bias tape!
Phew! Sorry for the lack of updates, like I said, I figured one big one was appreciated more then a whole bunch of little baby ones! Speaking of little babies.... here is my niece... post spaghetti... it was too funny not to take a picture!
I will probably update again soon... ha.
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