Lets see where I left off! I moved into a house! Thats pretty exciting stuff!
Here are some pictures of our humble commode abode.
It has been so different living in a house but so much fun! I love the fact that I am able to cook and bake whenever I want! The house has also been a great place for me to escape this semester with the business of life I am able to just retreat to my room and have some alone time!
School this semester was good! I made a 4.0, so that is always a relief! I stayed busy with club and friends and work! Academically I made quite a few decsions which included declaring 3 minors - psychology, communications and gerontology and I decided that I want to graduate early (I know... what was I thinking?!?!).
So this spring semester is going to be a doooosseeyyyy! I am enrolled in 21 hours (again... what was I thinking?), doing sing song (at least 10 hrs a week), and working (20 hours a week). So to say I will have my hands full this semester!
I am graduating December 14, 2012 people. mark this down and plan to be there :) (got it mom?)
After this spring I am getting an awesome oppertunity to study abroad in Oxford England! I am planning to be there from July 9th to August 9th (yes that is when the olympics are going to be in London)! I feel pretty lucky to have such an incredible opportunity!
In the fall I have pretty much secured an internship with The House that Kerry Built in Abilene, which is a day care, health facility for children who are deemed "medically fragile". So to say that I am excited is an understatement :). For those who don't know what I want to do when I graduate, my dream is to become a child-life specialist and work at a children's hospital, such as cooks children's or Medical City Dallas (maybe eventually one day... St. Jude).
Other than that, there is no new news to report with school just chugging along!
Lastly I will just share some pictures of some sweet friends over this year, these people are a tramendous blessing in my life and I thank God every day for people like them!

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