The Lord has blessed me beyond measure this year. I am so thankful for the life I have been given and I know that He is always watching out for me. Here is the thing. I want to tell you some things I am thankful for and lets get real, if I was to write everyone and everything I was thankful for this post could be like 200 pages long. The people I mention in this have impacted my life SO SO SO much during this semester.
This verse is applicable to every single person I love dearly:
"I thank God every time I remember you"
Phillipians 1:3
I am Thankful for:
Family: My family supports me through tick an thin, they support me in WHATEVER I do. They are seriously the most wonderful people in the whole wide world. I am blessed.

Emily Phillips: My Best friend in the entire world. She is an incredible roommate, friend, encourager and sister. I cannot even consider Emily only a friend anymore… I consider her a sister. She has always meant so much to me, but within the last 2 years she has meant more to me then she will probably ever know. I love love love love love love her.

Whitney Moutray: It hard to imagine I have only known Whitney for only a year. She is literally one of my very best friends and there are no words to tell you what an incredible influence she has been on my life. I am so excited to see her every day of my life next semester and for the next two years.

Amanda McAdams- This friendship is the biggest blessing from God. Have literally prayed for a friendship like this for years. We are pretty much soul mates. If you hang out with us for like 2 minutes you will see we are the same person. J She has been such an incredible mentor to me this semester and there is literally no way I could have made it thought this semester without her loving words and kind heart. She is such a wonderful influence in my life and she has impacted my life. Forever.
Sarah Boleslawski- I have been blessed to have a class with this semester and she has been such a great blessing on my life. She spoke for me at second vote and she encourages me to do my best all the time. I am so so so excited to continue getting to know her better!

Heather Lowery & Kenli Viertel - LOVE LOVE LOVE them. They seriously have been such a HUGE blessing on my life. During pledging they watched my back all the time and they are always there for me if I need them. God knew exactly who would be the perfect bigs for me, they challenged me, pushed me and encouraged me no matter what the task at hand was!

LAST but NOT LEAST- All The girls on my Hall- They have been there with me thorugh thick and thin and they are some of my best friends. I am so excited that God blessed me with such a solid group of girls that I can rely on!

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