1. Finals- I only have 2! yay!
2. Break- Not much planned. but it should still be fun... hopefully! I mean.. its christmas.. what isn't fun about that?
3. Diet- Doing the HCG diet again. For some reason it is a lot harder this time then last. But I am really proud of myself, I haven't cheated once! and I am down 8 pounds! yes!
4. I was having my quiet time the other day and I stumbled up such a wonderful verse it is Romans 6:14 - "Sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace." Dang. LOVE that verse, it was exactly what I needed to hear and it just warmed my heart
5. Well, I really don't have a 5, but lets get real, I couldn't just stop at 4. SO this is actually a filler. I will do another blog post soon about a craft I did, but I am giving it to some people and I don't want to spoil it on here!
I hope you are having a great start to the month of DECEMBER? woah. where did 2010 go?
Here is a picture of the BFF crew over thanksgiving! I love them! and yes. I am awkwardly in the middle. there were six of us... there was no more room on the couch. It got awkward.

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