This bible verse has come to me several times already this week, so I am going to share it with you-
"Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away"
- James 4:14 NASB
This is a short post, I know. But be grateful for the life you are given and take care of yourself.
And PLEASE, if you get a moment pray for a sweet siggie sister of mine. Her name is Jocelyn Groves, and she found out two nights ago that she had a tumor in-between her heart and lungs. The removed the tumor today and it was not attached to anything (PRAISE THE LORD). She has a long road of recovery before her. Put her on prayer lists at your church, pray for her in your quiet time, pray for her every moment you get. She is such an immense blessing on everyone she comes in contact with.
Humbled before HIM.

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