Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rome and Blenheim!

This weekend was great! We got to explore Rome and the vatican! I loved my time here and getting to see the culture at a very raw level. 

These were on our walk to the Vatican! 

It was so surreal to be there! It was absolutely HUGE!!

Here are the Spanish Steps! 

and the Trevi Fountain! 

Gelato was absolutely wonderful!

Here is a picture of the pantheon it is known as a church for the Martyrs. It is pretty amazing to see this amazing, historical place!

Of course we had to have a little Margherita Pizza! It was simply amazing!

Moreeee Gellllaatooooo!

I loved getting to see Rome for a second time and am thankful for the opportunities to travel! 

On Monday when we got back in the swing of things we headed to Blenheim palace! This is the birthplace of Winston Churchill who was the prime minister of England for 4 years and is a very influential character throughout history! 

The gardens were spectacular! 

They had just finished renovating and repainting the eyes! It was kind of creepy! 

I seriously feel so lucky to have all of these opportunities to see these amazing sights! 

I will probably update again soon! This is a crazy week! I am headed to a women's Olympic Soccer Game tonight! It is Great Britain versus Brazil, So look for us! 

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