Well! The deed is done, I made Dinner... not without blood and tears tho...
I Started the afternoon off by making Peanut butter cookie dough... DELICIOUS!
They are about to go in the oven!

Next on the agenda was Meatballs! In the meatballs is oatmeal (Quaker Oats :)) Minced Onion, milk, Salt and pepper! I stuck them in the freezer for like 15 minutes (instead of the fridge for 45) , fried em' and stuck them in the oven!
Meanwhile, I was also working on Potatoes! They were potatoes Au-grautin HOMEMADE! It included slicing 5 potatoes thinly and a sauce that consist of a butt load of onions, garlic, butter, half and half, cream cheese, heavy whipping cream, rosemary, green onion and Parmesan cheeeseee :) (this is definitely not lo cal)
I also finished frying the meatballs!
Meanwhile I was also preparing asparagus (dads favorite :))
1 Hour for the potatoes
45 minutes for the meatballs
20 minutes for asparagus
ALL on 350
Then... dinner was served :)
All in all dinner was delicious! Dad, Mom and I thought it was wonderful!!
Here is the blood and guts section: I was taking out the glass to put the meatballs in, and I dropped it and it sliced my finger open :(
Now- I am going to do as pepper did and SLEEEEPPPP