WELL, I have not updated in a while! I have been busy with school and catching up with friends and seeing family!
I spent the whole weekend with my sister and my niece Kathryn! She is three months and one week old and SOOO Precious. She is beginning to learn how to smile and I LOVE it! It was so fun just to spend time with her!
Also, this week we did a lot of organizing, my mom and I realized that we have lived in our house for like sixteen years and some of the cabinets and things we haven't gone through in that long, so we finally went through all of that and de-cluttered our life. It was amazing to see the amount of Junk that was sitting around our house. We cleaned my play room upstairs from when I was young.... and boy was that a task going through old toys, books, puzzles deciding what was worth keeping for my nieces and nephew and potentially my kids one day!
Anyways sorry this was such a boring post but not much has really gone on and I haven't really had time to sew this week!
Thanks for reading!