Saturday, December 31, 2011
End of the year update? fine by me!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Selling my Crafts!
As most of you all know I am a pretty avid crafter! But I wanted you all to know that I sell all my stuff as well! I just thought I would give yall a heads up and show you five of my things that are really reasonably priced! One day I will start selling it on etsy *hopefully* but until then I would love to supply things for my friends and family!! There will be a few fabric options for every item!
There are 3 ways to order:
-Facebook me! inbox, on my wall, whatever!
-text me if you have my number or message me for it!
-email me: ceg08a@acu.edu (it is cegZEROEIGHTa, it was kinda hard to read!)
Computer Case/Ipad Case: $25.00
The first thing is a beautiful computer case! I can make them for all size macbooks and PC’s and even Ipads! You have a choice on how the case closes, you can do Velcro or a button! Both super cute and all are very durable! These cases run for 25 dollars!
Car Trash Can: $15.00
My next thing is a car trash can! I have one in my car and it is constantly used! Every time I go to the gas station I empty it, and it has a handy pocket in front for cd cases, gum or just rand knick nacks! This is a steal! For only 15 dollars!
Small Zipper Case: $10.00
The third thing is a small zip case! The zipper is seven inches long and is 6 inches deep(this can be slightly adjusted)! This is another steal for only 10 dollars! And it is lined! Seriously perfect for computer chargers, hair accessories, makeup… ANYTHING!
Glasses Case: $10.00
This is a fun glasses case! They can be made custom for the exact size of your glasses and a just perfect for throwing in your purse! Again it is a steal for only 10 dollars!
Nike Shorts embroidery: $5.00
Lastly, I wanted you to know that I embroider! So if you all want your Nike shorts done I will only charge 5 dollars, and I can embroider any of the other products I sell too!
If you see anything else on my facebook or have some idea talk to me and I will let you know if I can do it and quote you a price!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Summer Update

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I'm doing fine.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Consumed. Scattered. Loved.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Give me Peace
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Living Comfortably is Overrated
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I say I am obsessed with people a lot. It just means I love them. But I have been noticing myself getting more and more obsessed with superficial things. Some may be incredibly obvious, but some are just things I deal with. I guess I am going to let you in on my obsessions in life, some are good don’t get me wrong, but some are not what I need my life focused on. Read on!
One of the things that I have become obsessed with is Image. I know that this is the discussion for dozen of preteen bible studies. But I think mine is something that I have dealt with at a deeper level. For as long as I can remember I have been overweight. I have always tried to lose weight or become okay with my weight. But honestly, I have never been content. I always want to be skinner or have clear face or something superficial like that. I have done diet after diet to become happy with who I am but what I have come to realize lately is that people who are my friends should love me for who I am and not how I look. This leads me to my next obsession.
Part of struggling with my self image is worries of being accepted. People may accept me for who I am, but I have trouble accepting myself. I don’t understand why people like me. That is not supposed to sound conceded, it is just me asking why do people talk to me? I am nothing special, I have nothing interesting to say. So, now I am trying to understand acceptance and enjoying who I am.
I am ready to be okay with ME. I am ready to no longer be judged by others or worry about being judge. I want to be okay with me. I am ready for God to move. Well, he is always moving but I am ready to move with him now…
I feel like this blog is a work in progress. There is just so much more that I want to say but don’t have the energy to. So, be expecting another one soon enough.
“God Make me into the Woman you want me to be”
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Quiet
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Life is Precious

Sunday, January 2, 2011
- I visited my first national park (Joshua Park)
- I was horribly obsessed with the show Secret life of the American teenager
- Was able to give blood for the first time
- My Niece Kathryn was Born!
- Started Playing Farmville… how embarrassing.

- Visited College station for the first time
- Saw Taylor Swift in Concert with my Best friend in the whole world.
- My one year anniversary of having my spleen out
- Planned to go to Atlantas for Spring break but went to Miami for dinner.. and then flew back to Texas.
- Had my first encouter with Siggies. What an immense blessing that turned out to be.

- Went to Carslbad NM for the first time ever.
- I had my very first surprise birthday party!

- Got my sewing machine!
- Took 2 online classses...
- May wasn’t that exciting
- Took Chemistry, it owned me. My life, my soul and my time
- Saw Wicked!
- got a little craft crazy J
- Started my diet.
- This is a before picture:
- Went to California! (dad and I at Knotts Berry Farm)
- Returned to School
- Did an unfortunate amount of crafting
- I had lost 40 pounds by this point
- Began a long journey of rushing
- Became a Squig J
November: Some how I have NO pictures for November. FAIL.
- Lots of dress up…… lots…
- BFF crew came to visit from Cstat
- Started diet again
2010… you have been full of memories. Thank you.